Prototype improves the overall understanding of the design. A rapid prototype helps to illustrate the final product, allowing to comprehense the product's function and target audience. A slight shift in proportions can make a huge difference and completely change the look and function of a product. Every product has a target audience, and at the end of the day, the target audience is going to have the final say. Prototypes allow user testing, which improves designs with valuable feedback about the product. Below is my prototype which is built to understand the arrangement and stability of the design.
I used cardboard and translucent pannels to build the prototype. Through rapid prototyping, I identified few issues with the design. The wood logs which are substituted with cardboard are not supported when they meet the polycarbonate partition. For the solution, metal joints can be attached to support and fix the logs with the partition.Thank you for reading my blog. Do share your feedback in the comment section below.
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